Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So I'm busy and a little down

Well hello there,

So I'm on with a terrifying amount of work and can't find even the will or strength to do it!!!
Dear, oh dear!!! I feel like all my energy has been drained and left somewhere else!
I even skipped school today! What's with that?

I've been having horribly boring days...and what to do?!?

Well, just a brief note for today
see ya!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello Bloggers!

So, Hi!!!

I was just wondering one day.....what would it be like to have a blog? 
And that question kept swirling around everyday, so finally I decided why ever not! ha

Well, first of all I'm just a humble architect-in-the-making, who happens to like fashion (but has no time to apply it) and adores books and music, which is basically what I'm gonna talk about endlessly!!! my precious cat also says hi!!

So, I'll try to post regularly everything I want to share =D

Ali C.
 BTW, this is part of my early work as a student
Hopefully I'll get to post my projects here!!